Theory Strategy_Formulas

subsection ‹Strategy Formulas›

theory Strategy_Formulas
    imports Spectroscopy_Game Expressiveness_Price

text‹In this section, we introduce strategy formulas as a tool of proving the corresponding lemma, \\
spectroscopy_game_correctness›, in section \ref{th1}.
We first define strategy formulas, creating a bridge between HML formulas, the
spectroscopy game and winning budgets. We then show that for some energy e› in a winning budget there
exists a strategy formula with expressiveness price ≤ e›. Afterwards, we prove that this formula
actually distinguishes the corresponding processes.›

context weak_spectroscopy_game
text ‹\label{stratFormula}›
text ‹We define strategy formulas inductively. For example for ⟨α⟩φ› to be a strategy formula for some attacker
delayed position g› with energy e› the following must hold: φ› is a strategy formula at the from  g› through an observation move
reached attacker (immediate) position with the energy  e › updated according to the move. Then the function
strategy_formula_inner g e ⟨α⟩φ› returns true. Similarly, every derivation rule for strategy formulas corresponds to
possible moves in the spectroscopy game. To account for the three different data types a HML$_{\text{SRBB}}$
formula can have in our formalization, we define three functions at the same time:›
strategy_formula :: ('s, 'a) spectroscopy_position  energy  ('a, 's)hml_srbb  bool
and strategy_formula_inner
  :: ('s, 'a) spectroscopy_position  energy  ('a, 's)hml_srbb_inner  bool
and strategy_formula_conjunct
  :: ('s, 'a) spectroscopy_position  energy  ('a, 's)hml_srbb_conjunct  bool
    strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p Q) e (Internal χ)
      if ((Q'. (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p Q')
        = (Some Some))  (attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p Q'))
           strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') e χ)) |

    strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e χ
      if (p'. spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q)
         = (Some Some)  attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p' Q)
           strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q) e χ) |

    strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e (Obs α φ)
      if p' Q'. spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
         = (subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
           attacker_wins (e - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
           strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') (e - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) φ
           p ↦aα p'  Q ↦aS α Q' |

    strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p Q) e φ
      if p'. spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q')
                = (subtract 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)
                   attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) (Defender_Conj p' Q')
                   strategy_formula (Defender_Conj p' Q') (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) φ |

    strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e χ
      if (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Conj p Q)
         = (Some Some)  (attacker_wins e (Defender_Conj p Q))
            strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) e χ) |

  strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) e (Conj Q Φ)
      if q  Q. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q)
          = (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)
             (attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Clause p q))
             strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - (E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Φ q) |

  strategy_formula (Defender_Conj p Q) e (ImmConj Q Φ)
      if q  Q. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q)
          = (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)
             (attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Clause p q))
             strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - (E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Φ q) |

  strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e (Pos χ)
    if (Q'. spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) (Attacker_Delayed p Q')
      = Some min1_6  attacker_wins (the (min1_6 e)) (Attacker_Delayed p Q')
         strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') (the (min1_6 e)) χ) |

  strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e (Neg χ)
    if P'. (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) (Attacker_Delayed q P')
      = Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) e) min1_7)
         attacker_wins (the (min1_7 (e - (E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)))) (Attacker_Delayed q P'))
         strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed q P') (the (min1_7 (e - (E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)))) χ |

  strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e χ
    if (Q'. spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q')
      = (Some Some)  attacker_wins e (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q')
         strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q') e χ) |

    strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) e (StableConj Q Φ)
      if q  Q. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q)
        = (subtract 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)
           attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Clause p q)
           strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - (E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)) (Φ q) |

  strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e χ
    if p' Q' α . spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Branch p α p' Q' )
      = (Some Some)  attacker_wins e (Defender_Branch p α p' Q' )
         strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Branch p α p' Q' ) e χ |

  strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Branch p α p' Q ) e (BranchConj α φ Q Φ)
    if Q'. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q ) (Attacker_Branch p' Q')
          = Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) e) min1_6)
             spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p' Q') (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
            = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
             (attacker_wins (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
                  (Attacker_Immediate p' Q'))
             strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) φ
        q  Q. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q ) (Attacker_Clause p q)
          = (subtract 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
           attacker_wins (e - (E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Clause p q)
           strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - (E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Φ q)

text ‹To prove spectroscopy_game_correctness› we need the following implication:
If e› is in the winning budget of Attacker_Immediate p Q›, there is a strategy formula φ› for
Attacker_Immediate p Q› with energy e› with expressiveness price ≤ e›.
We prove a more detailed result for all possible game positions g› by induction over the structure of winning budgets (Cases $1-3$:\label{deviation:lemma2}
  \item We first show that the statement holds if g› has no outgoing edges. This can only be the case for  defender positions.
  \item If g› is an attacker  position, by e› being in the winning budget of g›, we know there exists a successor of g› that  the attacker can move to.
  If by induction the property holds true for that successor, we show that it then holds for g› as well.
  \item If a defender position g› has outgoing edges and the statement holds true for all successors, we show that the statement holds true for g› as well.
lemma winning_budget_implies_strategy_formula:
  fixes g e
  assumes attacker_wins e g
    case g of
        Attacker_Immediate p Q  φ. strategy_formula g e φ  expressiveness_price φ  e
      | Attacker_Delayed p Q  χ. strategy_formula_inner g e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e
      | Attacker_Clause p q  ψ. strategy_formula_conjunct g e ψ  expr_pr_conjunct ψ  e
      | Defender_Conj p Q  χ. strategy_formula_inner g e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e
      | Defender_Stable_Conj p Q  χ. strategy_formula_inner g e χ   expr_pr_inner χ  e
      | Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa  χ. strategy_formula_inner g e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e
      | Attacker_Branch p Q 
            φ. strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) φ
               expressiveness_price φ  e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  using assms
proof(induction rule: attacker_wins.induct)
  case (Attack g g' e e')
  then show ?case
  proof (induct g)
    case (Attacker_Immediate p Q)
    hence move: (p Q. g' = Defender_Conj p Q) 
        (φ. strategy_formula_inner g' (the (weight g g' e)) φ  expr_pr_inner φ  updated g g' e) 
      (p Q. g' = Attacker_Delayed p Q) 
        (φ. strategy_formula_inner g' (the (weight g g' e)) φ  expr_pr_inner φ  updated g g' e)
      using attacker_wins.cases
      by simp
    from move Attacker_Immediate have move_cases: (p' Q'. g' = (Attacker_Delayed p' Q'))  ( p' Q'. g' = (Defender_Conj p' Q'))
      using spectroscopy_moves.simps
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) spectroscopy_defender.elims(2,3))
    show ?case using move_cases
    proof(rule disjE)
      assume p' Q'. g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q'
      then obtain p' Q' where g'_att_del: g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q' by blast
      have e_comp: (the (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')) e) = (Some e)
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Spectroscopy_Game.LTS_Tau.delay g'_att_del Attacker_Immediate move option.exhaust_sel option.inject)
      have p' = p
        by (metis g'_att_del Attacker_Immediate(2) spectroscopy_moves.simps(1))
      moreover have (attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p Q'))
        using g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q' p' = p Attacker_Immediate win_a_upwards_closure e_comp
        by simp
      ultimately have (χ. strategy_formula_inner g' (the (weight (Attacker_Immediate p Q) g' e)) χ 
        expr_pr_inner χ  updated (Attacker_Immediate p Q) g' e)
        using g'_att_del Attacker_Immediate by fastforce
      then obtain χ where (strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e)
        using p' = p weight (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q') e = Some e g'_att_del by auto
      hence ((Q'. (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p Q')
      = (Some Some))  (attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p Q'))
         strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') e χ))
        using g'_att_del
        by (smt (verit) Spectroscopy_Game.LTS_Tau.delay attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p Q') Attacker_Immediate)
      hence strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p Q) e (Internal χ)
        using strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.delay by blast
      moreover have expressiveness_price (Internal χ)  e
        using (strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e)
        by auto
      ultimately show ?case by auto
      assume p' Q'. g' = Defender_Conj p' Q'
      then obtain p' Q' where g'_def_conj: g' = Defender_Conj p' Q' by blast
      hence M: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q') = (subtract 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)
        using local.f_or_early_conj Attacker_Immediate by presburger
      hence Qp': Q{} Q = Q' p = p'
        using Attack.hyps(2) Attacker_Immediate g'_def_conj local.f_or_early_conj by metis+
      from M have updated (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q') e
                = e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)
        using Attack.hyps(3) g'_def_conj Attacker_Immediate
        by (smt (verit) option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      hence (attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) (Defender_Conj p Q'))
         using g'_def_conj Qp' Attacker_Immediate win_a_upwards_closure by force
      with g'_def_conj have IH_case: χ. strategy_formula_inner g' (updated (Attacker_Immediate p Q) g' e) χ 
        expr_pr_inner χ  updated (Attacker_Immediate p Q) g' e
        using Attacker_Immediate by auto
      hence (χ. strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) χ  expr_pr_inner χ  (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)))
        using attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) (Defender_Conj p Q') IH_case Qp'
          the (weight (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q') e) = e - E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 g'_def_conj by auto
      then obtain χ where S: (strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) χ  expr_pr_inner χ  (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)))
        by blast
      hence ψ. χ = Conj Q ψ
        using strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.conj Qp' g'_def_conj Attacker_Immediate unfolding Qp'
        by (smt (verit) spectroscopy_moves.simps(60,70) spectroscopy_position.distinct(33) spectroscopy_position.inject(6) strategy_formula_inner.simps)
      then obtain ψ where χ = Conj Q ψ by auto
      hence strategy_formula (Defender_Conj p Q) (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) (ImmConj Q ψ)
        using S strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.conj strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.imm_conj
        by (smt (verit) Qp' g'_def_conj hml_srbb_inner.inject(2) Attacker_Immediate spectroscopy_defender.simps(4,6) spectroscopy_moves.simps(60) spectroscopy_moves.simps(70) strategy_formula_inner.cases)
      hence SI: strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p Q) e (ImmConj Q ψ)
         using strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.delay early_conj Qp'
         by (metis (no_types, lifting) attacker_wins (e - E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0) (Defender_Conj p Q') local.f_or_early_conj)
      have expr_pr_inner (Conj Q ψ)  (e - (E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)) using S χ = Conj Q ψ by simp
      hence expressiveness_price (ImmConj Q ψ)  e using expr_imm_conj Qp'
        by (smt (verit) M g'_def_conj Attacker_Immediate option.sel option.simps(3))
      thus ?thesis using SI by auto
    case (Attacker_Branch p Q)
    hence g'_def: g' = Attacker_Immediate p Q using br_acct
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) spectroscopy_defender.elims(2,3) spectroscopy_moves.simps(17,51,57,61,66,71))
    hence move: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p Q) g' = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 by simp
    then obtain φ where
      strategy_formula g' (updated (Attacker_Branch p Q) g' e) φ 
       expressiveness_price φ  updated (Attacker_Branch p Q) g' e
      using Attacker_Branch g'_def by auto
    hence (strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) φ)
         expressiveness_price φ  e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      using move Attacker_Branch unfolding g'_def
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.distinct(1) option.sel)
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Attacker_Clause p q)
    hence (p' Q'. g' = (Attacker_Delayed p' Q'))
      using Attack.hyps spectroscopy_moves.simps
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) spectroscopy_defender.elims(1))
    then obtain p' Q' where
      g'_att_del: g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q' by blast
    show ?case
    proof(cases p = p')
      case True
      hence {q} ↠S Q'
        using g'_att_del local.pos_neg_clause Attacker_Clause by presburger
      hence post_win:
        (the (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) g') e) = min1_6 e
         (attacker_wins (the (min1_6 e)) (Attacker_Delayed p Q'))
        using {q} ↠S Q' Attacker_Clause win_a_upwards_closure unfolding True g'_att_del
        by auto
      then obtain χ where χ_spec:
        strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') (the (min1_6 e)) χ
        expr_pr_inner χ  the (min1_6 e)
        using Attacker_Clause Attack True post_win unfolding g'_att_del
        by (smt (verit) option.sel spectroscopy_position.simps(53))
        spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) (Attacker_Delayed p Q') = Some min1_6
        attacker_wins (the (min1_6 e)) (Attacker_Delayed p Q')
        strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q') (the (min1_6 e)) χ
        using {q} ↠S Q' local.pos_neg_clause post_win by auto
      hence strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e (Pos χ)
        using strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.delay pos
        by blast
      thus ?thesis
        using χ_spec expr_pos by fastforce
        case False
        hence Qp': {p} ↠S Q' p' = q
          using  local.pos_neg_clause Attacker_Clause unfolding g'_att_del
          by presburger+
        hence move: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
          = Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) e) min1_7)
          using False by auto
        hence win: attacker_wins (the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
          using Attacker_Clause unfolding g'_att_del
          by (smt (verit) bind.bind_lunit bind.bind_lzero option.distinct(1) option.sel)
        hence (φ. strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q') (the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))) φ
           expr_pr_inner φ  the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)))
          using Attack Attacker_Clause move unfolding g'_att_del
          by (smt (verit, del_insts) bind.bind_lunit bind_eq_None_conv option.discI option.sel spectroscopy_position.simps(53))
        then obtain χ where χ_spec:
            strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q') (the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))) χ
            expr_pr_inner χ  the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))
          by blast
        hence strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e (Neg χ)
          using strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.delay
            neg Qp' win move by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using χ_spec Attacker_Clause expr_neg move
          unfolding g'_att_del
          by (smt (verit, best) bind.bind_lunit bind_eq_None_conv option.distinct(1) option.sel spectroscopy_position.simps(52))
    case (Attacker_Delayed p Q)
    then consider
      (Att_Del) (p Q. g' = Attacker_Delayed p Q) | (Att_Imm) (p' Q'. g' = (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')) |
      (Def_Conj) (p Q. g' = (Defender_Conj p Q)) | (Def_St_Conj) (p Q. g' = (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q)) |
      (Def_Branch) (p' α p'' Q' . g' = (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' ))
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) spectroscopy_defender.elims(1) spectroscopy_moves.simps(27,28))
    then show ?case
    proof (cases)
      case Att_Del
      then obtain p' Q' where
        g'_att_del: g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q' by blast
      have Qp': Q' = Q p  p' p  τ p'
        using Attacker_Delayed g'_att_del Spectroscopy_Game.LTS_Tau.procrastination
        by metis+
      hence e_comp: (the (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) g') e) = Some e
        using g'_att_del
        by simp
      hence att_win: (attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p' Q'))
        using g'_att_del Qp' Attacker_Delayed attacker_wins.Defense e_comp
        by (metis option.sel)
      have (updated (Attacker_Delayed p Q) g' e) = e
        using g'_att_del Attacker_Delayed e_comp by fastforce
      then obtain χ where (strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q') e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e)
        using Attacker_Delayed g'_att_del by auto
      hence p'. spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q) = (Some Some)
           attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p' Q)
          strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q) e χ
        using e_comp g'_att_del Qp' local.procrastination Attack.hyps att_win
        by metis
      hence strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e χ
        using strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.procrastination by blast
      moreover have expr_pr_inner χ  e
        using strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q') e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case Att_Imm
      then obtain p' Q' where
        g'_att_imm: g' = Attacker_Immediate p' Q' by blast
      hence move: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')  None
        using Attacker_Delayed by blast
      hence a. p ↦a a p'  Q ↦aS a Q' unfolding spectroscopy_moves.simps(3) by presburger
      then obtain α where α_prop: p ↦a α p' Q ↦aS α Q' by blast
      moreover then have weight:
        spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
        by (simp, metis)
      moreover then have update: updated (Attacker_Delayed p Q) g' e = e - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
        using g'_att_imm Attacker_Delayed
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      moreover then obtain χ where χ_prop:
        strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') (e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) χ
        expressiveness_price χ  e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
        using Attacker_Delayed g'_att_imm
        by auto
      moreover have attacker_wins (e - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
        using attacker_wins.Attack Attack.hyps(4) Attacker_Delayed.prems(3) calculation(4) g'_att_imm
        by force
      ultimately have strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e (Obs α χ)
        using local.observation[of p Q e χ α] by blast
      moreover have expr_pr_inner (Obs α χ)  e
        using expr_obs χ_prop Attacker_Delayed g'_att_imm weight update
        by (smt (verit) option.sel)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case Def_Conj
      then obtain p' Q' where
        g'_def_conj: g' = Defender_Conj p' Q' by blast
      hence  p = p' Q = Q'
        using local.late_inst_conj Attacker_Delayed by presburger+
      hence the (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q')) e = Some e
        by fastforce
      hence attacker_wins e (Defender_Conj p' Q')  updated g g' e = e
        using Attacker_Delayed Attack unfolding g'_def_conj by simp+
      then obtain χ where
        χ_prop: (strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p' Q') e χ  expr_pr_inner χ  e)
        using Attack g'_def_conj by auto
        spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q') = Some Some
         attacker_wins e (Defender_Conj p' Q')
         strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p' Q') e χ
        by (simp add: Q = Q' attacker_wins e (Defender_Conj p' Q') p = p')
      then show ?thesis
        using χ_prop Q = Q' attacker_wins e (Defender_Conj p' Q') p = p' late_conj
        by fastforce
      case Def_St_Conj
      then obtain p' Q' where g'_def: g' = Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q' by blast
      hence pQ': p = p' Q' = { q  Q. (q'. q τ q')} p''. p τ p''
        using local.late_stbl_conj Attacker_Delayed
        by meson+
      hence (the (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q')) e) = Some e
        by auto
      hence attacker_wins e (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q') updated g g' e = e
        using Attacker_Delayed Attack unfolding g'_def by force+
      then obtain χ where χ_prop:
        strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q') e χ expr_pr_inner χ  e
        using Attack g'_def by auto
      have spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q') = Some Some
         attacker_wins e (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q')
         strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q') e χ
        using Attack χ_prop attacker_wins e (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q') local.late_stbl_conj  pQ'
        unfolding g'_def
        by force
      thus ?thesis using local.stable[of p Q e χ] pQ' χ_prop by fastforce
      case Def_Branch
      then obtain p' α p'' Q'  where
        g'_def_br: g' = Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q'  by blast
      hence pQ': p = p' Q' = Q -  p ↦a α p''   Q
        using local.br_conj Attacker_Delayed by metis+
      hence the (spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' )) e = Some e
        by auto
      hence post: attacker_wins e (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' ) updated g g' e = e
        using Attack option.inject Attacker_Delayed unfolding g'_def_br by auto
      then obtain χ where χ_prop:
        strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' ) e χ expr_pr_inner χ  e
        using g'_def_br Attack Attacker_Delayed
        by auto
      hence spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Branch p α p'' Q' ) = Some Some
          attacker_wins e (Defender_Branch p α p'' Q' )
          strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Branch p α p'' Q' ) e χ
        using g'_def_br local.branch Attack post pQ' by simp
      hence strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p Q) e χ
        using Attack Attacker_Delayed local.br_conj branch
        unfolding g'_def_br by fastforce
      thus ?thesis using χ_prop
        by fastforce
    case (Defender_Branch)
    thus ?case by force
    case (Defender_Conj)
    thus ?case by force
    case (Defender_Stable_Conj)
    thus ?case by force
  case (Defense g e)
  thus ?case
  proof (induct g)
    case (Attacker_Immediate)
    thus ?case by force
    case (Attacker_Branch)
    thus ?case by force
    case (Attacker_Clause)
    thus ?case by force
    case (Attacker_Delayed)
    thus ?case by force
    case (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa)
    hence conjs:
      q Q. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa) (Attacker_Clause p q) = (subtract 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
      by simp
    obtain e' where e'_spec:
      qQ. weight (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa) (Attacker_Clause p q) e = Some e'
         attacker_wins e' (Attacker_Clause p q)
         (ψ. strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' ψ  expr_pr_conjunct ψ  e')
      using conjs Defender_Branch option.distinct(1) option.sel
      by (smt (z3) spectroscopy_position.simps(52))
    hence e'_def: Q  {}  e' = e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 using conjs
        by (smt (verit) all_not_in_conv option.distinct(1) option.sel)
    then obtain Φ where Φ_spec:
      q  Q. strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' (Φ q)  expr_pr_conjunct (Φ q)  e'
      using e'_spec by metis

    have obs: spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa) (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) =
      Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) e) min1_6)
      by (simp add: soft_step_set_is_soft_step_set)
    have p Q. (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) = (Attacker_Branch p Q)  p = p'  Q = soft_step_set Qa α by blast
    with option.discI[OF obs] obtain e'' where
      φ. strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) (e'' - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) φ
         expressiveness_price φ  e'' - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      using Defense.IH option.distinct(1) option.sel
      by (smt (verit, best) Defender_Branch.prems(2) spectroscopy_position.simps(51))
    then obtain φ where
      strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α))
        (updated (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa) (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) φ
      expressiveness_price φ  updated (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa) (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      using Defender_Branch.prems(2) option.discI[OF obs]
      by (smt (verit, best) option.sel spectroscopy_position.simps(51))
    hence obs_strat:
      strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) φ
      expressiveness_price φ  (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - (E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
      by (smt (verit, best) Defender_Branch.prems(2) bind.bind_lunit bind.bind_lzero obs option.distinct(1) option.sel)+
    have  spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α))
          = (subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) by simp
    obtain e'' where win_branch:
        Some e'' = min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
        attacker_wins e'' (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α))
      using Defender_Branch
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) bind.bind_lunit bind_eq_None_conv obs option.discI option.sel)
    then obtain g'' where g''_spec:
      spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) g''  None
      attacker_wins (updated (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) g'' (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)))) g''
      using attacker_wins_GaE
      by (metis option.sel spectroscopy_defender.simps(2))
    hence move_immediate:
      g'' = (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α))
       spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α)) = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      using br_acct
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) spectroscopy_defender.elims(2,3) spectroscopy_moves.simps(17,51,57,61,66,71))
    then obtain e''' where win_immediate:
      Some e''' = subtract_fn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e''
      attacker_wins e''' (Attacker_Immediate p' (soft_step_set Qa α))
      using g''_spec win_branch attacker_wins.simps local.br_acct
      by (smt (verit) option.distinct(1) option.sel spectroscopy_defender.elims(1) spectroscopy_moves.simps(17,19,20,51,57,61))
    hence strat: strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa) e (BranchConj α φ Q Φ)
      using branch_conj obs move_immediate obs_strat Φ_spec conjs e'_def e'_spec
      by (smt (verit, best) option.distinct(1) option.sel win_branch(1))

    have E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  e'' using win_branch g''_spec
      by (metis option.distinct(1) win_immediate(1))
    hence above_one: 0 < min (modal_depth e) (pos_conjuncts e)
      using win_immediate win_branch
      by (metis energy.sel(1) energy.sel(6) gr_zeroI idiff_0_right leq_components
            min_1_6_simps(1) minus_energy_def not_one_le_zero option.sel)
    have q  Q. expr_pr_conjunct (Φ q)  (e - (E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0))
      using Φ_spec e'_def by blast
    moreover have expressiveness_price φ  the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      using obs_strat(2) by blast
    moreover hence modal_depth_srbb φ  min (modal_depth e) (pos_conjuncts e) - 1
      by simp
    hence 1 + modal_depth_srbb φ  min (modal_depth e) (pos_conjuncts e)
      by (metis above_one add.right_neutral add_diff_cancel_enat add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) enat.simps(3) enat_defs(2) ileI1 le_iff_add plus_1_eSuc(1))
    moreover hence 1 + modal_depth_srbb φ  pos_conjuncts e by simp
    ultimately have expr_pr_inner (BranchConj α φ Q Φ)  e
      using expr_br_conj[of e e' e'' e''' φ Q Φ α] e'_def obs Defender_Branch(2) win_branch(1) win_immediate(1)
      by (smt (verit, best) bind_eq_None_conv expr_br_conj option.distinct(1) option.sel option.simps(3))
    then show ?case using strat by force
    case (Defender_Conj p Q)
    hence moves:
      g'. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) g'  None  (e'. weight (Defender_Conj p Q) g' e = Some e'  attacker_wins e' g')
         (q. g' = (Attacker_Clause p q))
      using local.conj_answer
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) spectroscopy_defender.elims(2,3) spectroscopy_moves.simps(34,35,36,37,38,39))
    show ?case
    proof (cases Q = {})
      case True
      then obtain Φ where q  Q.
          spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q)  = (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)
           (attacker_wins (e - (E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Attacker_Clause p q))
           strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - (E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) (Φ q)
        by (auto simp add: emptyE)
      hence Strat: strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) e (Conj {} Φ)
        using Q = {} conj by blast
        modal_depth_srbb_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((modal_depth_srbb_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        branch_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((branch_conj_depth_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        inst_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        st_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((st_conj_depth_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        imm_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((imm_conj_depth_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        max_pos_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((max_pos_conj_depth_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        max_neg_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((max_neg_conj_depth_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        neg_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = Sup ((neg_depth_conjunct  Φ) ` Q)
        using modal_depth_srbb_inner.simps(3) branch_conj_depth_inner.simps st_conj_depth_inner.simps
          inst_conj_depth_inner.simps imm_conj_depth_inner.simps max_pos_conj_depth_inner.simps
          max_neg_conj_depth_inner.simps neg_depth_inner.simps Q = {}
          by auto+
        modal_depth_srbb_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        branch_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        inst_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        st_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        imm_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        max_pos_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        max_neg_conj_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        neg_depth_inner (Conj Q Φ) = 0
        using Q = {} by (simp add: bot_enat_def)+
      hence expr_pr_inner (Conj Q Φ) = (E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
        using Q = {} by force
      hence price: expr_pr_inner (Conj Q Φ)  e
        by auto
      with Strat price True show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      hence fa_q: q  Q. e'.
        Some e' = subtract_fn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 e
         spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q) = (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)
         attacker_wins e' (Attacker_Clause p q)
        using moves local.conj_answer option.distinct(1)
        by (smt (z3) option.sel)
      have q_ex_e': q  Q.  e'.
           spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q) = subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
         Some e' = subtract_fn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 e
         attacker_wins e' (Attacker_Clause p q)
         (φ. strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' φ  expr_pr_conjunct φ  e')
      proof safe
        fix q
        assume q  Q
        then obtain e' where e'_spec:
          Some e' = subtract_fn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 e
          spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q) = (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)
          attacker_wins e' (Attacker_Clause p q)
          using fa_q by blast
        hence weight (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q) e = Some e'
          by simp
        then have ψ. strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' ψ  expr_pr_conjunct ψ  e'
          using Defender_Conj e'_spec
          by (smt (verit, best) option.distinct(1) option.sel spectroscopy_position.simps(52))
        thus e'. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q) = (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) 
              Some e' = subtract_fn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 e 
              attacker_wins e' (Attacker_Clause p q)  (φ. strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' φ  expr_pr_conjunct φ  e')
          using e'_spec by blast
      hence Φ. q  Q.
        attacker_wins (e - E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) (Attacker_Clause p q)
         (strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) (Φ q)
         expr_pr_conjunct (Φ q)  (e - E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0))
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) option.distinct(1) option.inject)
      then obtain Φ where IH:
          q  Q. attacker_wins (e - E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) (Attacker_Clause p q)
             (strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) (e - E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) (Φ q)
             expr_pr_conjunct (Φ q)  (e - E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)) by auto
      hence strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) e (Conj Q Φ)
        by (simp add: conj)
      moreover have expr_pr_inner (Conj Q Φ)  e
        using IH expr_conj Q  {} q_ex_e'
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) equals0I option.distinct(1))
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q)
    hence cases:
      g'. spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) g'  None 
       (e'. weight (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) g' e = Some e'  attacker_wins e' g')
         ((p' q. g' = (Attacker_Clause p' q))  (p' Q'. g' = (Defender_Conj p' Q')))
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting)
            spectroscopy_defender.elims(2,3) spectroscopy_moves.simps(40,42,43,44,55))
    show ?case
    proof(cases Q = {})
      case True
      then obtain e' where e'_spec:
        weight (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) (Defender_Conj p Q) e = Some e'
        e' = e - (E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)
        attacker_wins e' (Defender_Conj p Q)
        using cases local.empty_stbl_conj_answer
        by (smt (verit, best) option.discI option.sel)
      then obtain Φ where Φ_prop: strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Conj p Q) e' (Conj Q Φ)
        using conj True by blast
      hence strategy: strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) e (StableConj Q Φ)
        by (simp add: True stable_conj)
      have E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  e using e'_spec
        using option.sel True by fastforce
      moreover have expr_pr_inner (StableConj Q Φ) = E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
        using True by (simp add: bot_enat_def)
      ultimately have expr_pr_inner (StableConj Q Φ)  e by simp
      with strategy show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      then obtain e' where e'_spec:
        e' = e - (E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)
        q  Q. weight (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p q) e = Some e'
           attacker_wins e' (Attacker_Clause p q)
        using cases local.conj_s_answer
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      hence IH: q  Q. ψ.
        strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' ψ 
        expr_pr_conjunct ψ  e'
        using Defender_Stable_Conj local.conj_s_answer
        by (smt (verit, best) option.distinct(1) option.inject spectroscopy_position.simps(52))
      hence Φ. q  Q.
        strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' (Φ q) 
        expr_pr_conjunct (Φ q)  e'
        by meson
      then obtain Φ where Φ_prop: q  Q.
        strategy_formula_conjunct (Attacker_Clause p q) e' (Φ q)
         expr_pr_conjunct (Φ q)  e'
        by blast
      have E 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  e
        using e'_spec False by fastforce
      hence expr_pr_inner (StableConj Q Φ)  e
        using expr_st_conj e'_spec Φ_prop False by metis
      moreover have strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) e (StableConj Q Φ)
        using Φ_prop e'_spec stable_conj
        unfolding e'_spec by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

text ‹To prove spectroscopy_game_correctness› we need the following implication:
If φ› is a strategy formula for Attacker_Immediate p Q› with energy e›, then φ› distinguishes
p› from Q›.
We prove a more detailed result for all possible game positions g› by induction. Note that the
case of g› being an attacker branching position is not explicitly needed as part of the induction
hypothesis but is proven as a part of case branch_conj›. The induction relies on the inductive
structure of strategy formulas.
Since our formalization differentiates immediate conjunctions and conjunctions, two Defender_Conj›
cases are necessary. Specifically, the strategy construction rule early_conj› uses immediate
conjunctions, while late_conj› uses conjunctions. \label{deviation:lemma3}

lemma strategy_formulas_distinguish:
  shows (strategy_formula g e φ 
        (case g of
        Attacker_Immediate p Q   distinguishes_from φ p Q
      | Defender_Conj p Q  distinguishes_from φ p Q
      | _  True))
      (strategy_formula_inner g e χ 
        (case g of
       Attacker_Delayed p Q  (Q ↠S Q)  distinguishes_from (Internal χ) p Q
      | Defender_Conj p Q  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q
      | Defender_Stable_Conj p Q  (q. ¬ p  τ q)
           hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q
      | Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa (p ↦a α p')
           hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (QQa)
      | _  True))
      (strategy_formula_conjunct g e ψ 
        (case g of
        Attacker_Clause p q  hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes ψ p q
      | _  True))
proof(induction rule: strategy_formula_strategy_formula_inner_strategy_formula_conjunct.induct)
  case (delay p Q e χ)
  then show ?case
    by (smt (verit) distinguishes_from_def option.discI silent_reachable.intros(1) silent_reachable_trans spectroscopy_moves.simps(1) spectroscopy_position.simps(50) spectroscopy_position.simps(53))
  case (procrastination p Q e χ)
  from this obtain p' where IH: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q) = Some Some 
       attacker_wins e (Attacker_Delayed p' Q) 
       strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed p' Q) e χ 
       (case Attacker_Delayed p' Q of Attacker_Delayed p Q  Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p Q
        | Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa  p α p'  Qa  {}  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (Q  Qa)
        | Defender_Conj p Q  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q
        | Defender_Stable_Conj p Q  (q. ¬ p τ q)  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q | _  True) by fastforce
  hence D: Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p' Q
    using spectroscopy_position.simps(53) by fastforce
  from IH have p p'
    by (metis option.discI silent_reachable.intros(1) silent_reachable_append_τ spectroscopy_moves.simps(2))
  hence Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p Q using D
    by (smt (verit) LTS_Tau.silent_reachable_trans distinguishes_from_def hml_srbb_models.simps(2))
  then show ?case by simp
  case (observation p Q e φ α)
  then obtain p' Q' where IH: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
     attacker_wins (e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') 
     (strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') (e - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) φ 
      (case Attacker_Immediate p' Q' of Attacker_Immediate p Q  distinguishes_from φ p Q
       | Defender_Conj p Q  distinguishes_from φ p Q | _  True)) 
     p ↦a α p'  Q ↦aS α Q' by auto
  hence D: distinguishes_from φ p' Q' by auto
  hence p' ⊨SRBB φ by auto

  have observation: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
      = (if (a. p ↦a a p'  Q ↦aS a Q') then (subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) else None)
    for p p' Q Q' by simp
  from IH have spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
    = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 by simp
  also have ...  None by blast
  finally have (a. p ↦a a p'  Q ↦aS a Q') unfolding observation by metis

  from IH have p ↦a α p' and Q ↦aS α Q'  by auto
  hence P: p ⊨SRBB (Internal (Obs α φ)) using p' ⊨SRBB φ
    using silent_reachable.intros(1) by auto
  have Q ↠S Q  (qQ. ¬(q ⊨SRBB (Internal (Obs α φ))))
  proof (rule+)
    fix q
      Q ↠S Q
      q  Q
      q ⊨SRBB Internal (Obs α φ)
    hence q'.  q  q'  hml_srbb_inner_models q' (Obs α φ) by simp
    then obtain q' where X: q  q'  hml_srbb_inner_models q' (Obs α φ) by auto
    hence hml_srbb_inner_models q' (Obs α φ) by simp

    from X have q'Q using Q ↠S Q q  Q by blast

    hence q''Q'. q' ↦a α q''  q'' ⊨SRBB φ
      using Q ↦aS α Q' hml_srbb_inner_models q' (Obs α φ) by auto
    then obtain q'' where q''Q' q' ↦a α q''  q'' ⊨SRBB φ by auto
    thus False using D by auto
  hence Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal (hml_srbb_inner.Obs α φ)) p Q
    using P by fastforce
  then show ?case by simp
  case (early_conj Q p Q' e φ)
  then show ?case
    by (simp, metis not_None_eq)
  case (late_conj p Q e χ)
  then show ?case
    using silent_reachable.intros(1)
    by auto
  case (conj Q p e Φ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (imm_conj Q p e Φ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (pos p q e χ)
  then show ?case using silent_reachable.refl
    by (simp) (metis option.discI silent_reachable_trans)
  case (neg p q e χ)
  then obtain P' where IH:
    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) (Attacker_Delayed q P') =  Some (λe. Option.bind (subtract_fn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 e) min1_7)
    attacker_wins (the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))) (Attacker_Delayed q P') 
       strategy_formula_inner (Attacker_Delayed q P') (the (min1_7 (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))) χ 
       (case Attacker_Delayed q P' of Attacker_Delayed p Q  Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p Q
        | Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa  p α p'  Qa  {}  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (Q  Qa)
        | Defender_Conj p Q  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q
        | Defender_Stable_Conj p Q  (q. ¬ p τ q)  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q | _  True) by fastforce
  hence D: P' ↠S P'  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) q P' by simp
  have {p} ↠S P' using IH(1) spectroscopy_moves.simps
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) not_Some_eq)
  have P' ↠S P'  p  P' using {p} ↠S P'  by (simp add: silent_reachable.intros(1))
  hence hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes (hml_srbb_conjunct.Neg χ) p q using D {p} ↠S P'
    unfolding hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes_def distinguishes_from_def
    by (smt (verit) LTS_Tau.silent_reachable_trans hml_srbb_conjunct_models.simps(2) hml_srbb_models.simps(2) silent_reachable.refl)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (stable p Q e χ)
  then obtain Q' where IH: spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q') = Some Some
       attacker_wins e (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q') 
       strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q') e χ 
       (case Defender_Stable_Conj p Q' of Attacker_Delayed p Q  Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p Q
        | Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa  p α p'  Qa  {}  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (Q  Qa)
        | Defender_Conj p Q  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q
        | Defender_Stable_Conj p Q  (q. ¬ p τ q)  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q | _  True) by auto
  hence (p''. p τ p'')
    by (metis local.late_stbl_conj option.distinct(1))

  from IH have (q. ¬ p τ q)  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q' by simp
  hence hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q' using p''. p τ p'' by auto
  hence hml_srbb_inner_models p χ by simp
  hence p ⊨SRBB (hml_srbb.Internal χ)
    using LTS_Tau.refl by force
  have Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p Q
    assume Q ↠S Q
    have (q  Q. ¬(q ⊨SRBB (hml_srbb.Internal χ)))
    proof (clarify)
      fix q
      assume q  Q (q ⊨SRBB (hml_srbb.Internal χ))
      hence q'. q  q'  hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ by simp
      then obtain q' where X: q  q'  hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ by auto
      hence q'  Q using Q ↠S Q q  Q by blast
      then show False
      proof (cases q'  Q')
        case True (* stable cases *)
        thus False using X hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q'
          by simp
        case False (* unstable cases *)
        from IH have strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q') e χ by simp
        hence Φ. χ=(StableConj Q' Φ) using strategy_formula_inner.simps
          by (smt (verit) spectroscopy_position.distinct(35) spectroscopy_position.distinct(39) spectroscopy_position.distinct(41) spectroscopy_position.inject(7))
        then obtain Φ where P: χ=(StableConj Q' Φ) by auto
        from IH(1) have Q' = { q  Q. (q'. q τ q')}
          by (metis (full_types) local.late_stbl_conj option.distinct(1))
        hence q''. q' τ q'' using False q'  Q by simp
        from X have hml_srbb_inner_models q' (StableConj Q' Φ) using P by auto
        then show ?thesis using q''. q' τ q'' by simp
    thus distinguishes_from (hml_srbb.Internal χ) p Q
      using p ⊨SRBB (hml_srbb.Internal χ) by simp
  then show ?case by simp
  case (stable_conj Q p e Φ)
  hence IH: q Q. hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes (Φ q) p q by simp
  hence Q: q  Q. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Φ q) by simp
  hence (q. ¬ p τ q)  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from (StableConj Q Φ) p Q
    using IH by auto
  then show ?case by simp
  case (branch p Q e χ)
  then obtain p' Q' α  where IH:
    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Branch p α p' Q' ) = Some Some
    attacker_wins e (Defender_Branch p α p' Q' ) 
     strategy_formula_inner (Defender_Branch p α p' Q' ) e χ 
     (case Defender_Branch p α p' Q'  of Attacker_Delayed p Q  Q ↠S Q  distinguishes_from (Internal χ) p Q
      | Defender_Branch p α p' Q Qa  p ↦a α p'  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (Q  Qa)
      | Defender_Conj p Q  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q
      | Defender_Stable_Conj p Q  (q. ¬ p τ q)  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p Q | _  True) by blast
  from IH(1) have p ↦a α p'
    by (metis local.br_conj option.distinct(1))
  from IH have p ↦a α p'  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (Q'  ) by simp
  hence D: hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from χ p (Q'  ) using p ↦a α p' by auto
  from IH have Q' = Q -   p ↦a α p'    Q
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) br_conj option.discI)
  hence Q=(Q'  ) by auto
  then show ?case
    using D silent_reachable.refl by auto
  case (branch_conj p α p' Q1  e ψ Φ)
  hence A1: qQ1. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Φ q) by simp
  from branch_conj obtain Q' where IH:
    spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q1 ) (Attacker_Branch p' Q')
      = Some (λe. Option.bind (subtract_fn 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 e) min1_6)
    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p' Q') (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') = subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
     attacker_wins (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') 
     strategy_formula (Attacker_Immediate p' Q') (the (min1_6 (e - E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)) - E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) ψ 
     (case Attacker_Immediate p' Q' of Attacker_Immediate p Q  distinguishes_from ψ p Q
          | Defender_Conj p Q  distinguishes_from ψ p Q | _  True) by auto
  hence distinguishes_from ψ p' Q' by simp
  hence X: p' ⊨SRBB ψ by simp
  have Y: q  Q'. ¬(q ⊨SRBB ψ) using distinguishes_from ψ p' Q' by simp

  have (p ↦a α p')  hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from (BranchConj α ψ Q1 Φ) p (Q1  )
    assume p ↦a α p'
    hence p ↦a α p' by simp
    with IH(1) have  ↦aS α Q'
      by (simp, metis option.discI)
    hence A2: hml_srbb_inner_models p (Obs α ψ) using X p ↦a α p'  by auto
    have A3: q  (Q1  ). hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes (BranchConj α ψ Q1 Φ) p q
    proof (safe)
      fix q
      assume q  Q1
      hence  hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes (Φ q) p q using branch_conj(2) by simp
      thus hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes (BranchConj α ψ Q1 Φ) p q
        using A1 A2 srbb_dist_conjunct_or_branch_implies_dist_branch_conjunction q  Q1 by blast
      fix q
      assume q  
      hence ¬(hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α ψ))
        using Y  ↦aS α Q' by auto
      hence hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes (Obs α ψ) p q
        using A2 by auto
      thus hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes (BranchConj α ψ Q1 Φ) p q
        using A1 A2 srbb_dist_conjunct_or_branch_implies_dist_branch_conjunction by blast
    have A4: hml_srbb_inner_models p (BranchConj α ψ Q1 Φ)
      using A3 A2 by fastforce
    with A3 show hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_from (BranchConj α ψ Q1 Φ) p (Q1  )
      by simp
  then show ?case by simp

end (* context weak_spectroscopy_game *)
