Theory Spectroscopy_Game

text ‹\newpage›
section ‹Weak Spectroscopy Game›
theory Spectroscopy_Game
  imports Energy_Games Energy LTS

text ‹In this theory, we define the weak spectroscopy game as a locale.
This game is an energy game constructed by adding stable and branching conjunctions to a delay bisimulation game that depends on a LTS.
We play the weak spectroscopy game to compare the behaviour of processes and analyze which behavioural equivalences apply.
The moves of a weak spectroscopy game depend on the transitions of the processes and the available energy.
So in other words: If the defender wins the weak spectroscopy game starting with a certain energy, the corresponding behavioural equivalence applies.
\\ Since we added adding stable and branching conjunctions to a delay bisimulation game, we differentiate the positions accordingly.›
datatype ('s, 'a) spectroscopy_position =
         Attacker_Immediate (attacker_state: 's) (defender_states: 's set) |
         Attacker_Branch (attacker_state: 's) (defender_states: 's set) |
         Attacker_Clause (attacker_state: 's) (defender_state: 's) |
         Attacker_Delayed (attacker_state: 's) (defender_states: 's set) |

         Defender_Branch (attacker_state: 's) (attack_action: 'a)
                         (attacker_state_succ: 's) (defender_states: 's set)
                         (defender_branch_states: 's set) |
         Defender_Conj (attacker_state: 's) (defender_states: 's set) |
         Defender_Stable_Conj (attacker_state: 's) (defender_states: 's set)

context LTS_Tau begin

text‹We also define the moves of the weak spectroscopy game. Their names indicate the respective HML formulas they correspond to. This correspondence will be shown in section \ref{deviation:lemma3}. ›
fun spectroscopy_moves :: ('s, 'a) spectroscopy_position  ('s, 'a) spectroscopy_position  energy update option where
    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
     = (if p' = p  Q ↠S Q' then Some Some else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
      = (if (Q' = Q  p  p'  p  τ p') then Some Some else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
      = (if (a. p ↦a a p'  Q ↦aS a Q') then (subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
         else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Immediate p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q')
      =(if (Q{}  Q = Q'  p = p') then (subtract 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0)
        else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q')
      = (if p = p'  Q = Q' then Some Some else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p' q)
      = (if p = p'  q  Q then (subtract 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0) else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Clause p q) (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
      = (if (p = p') then
          (if {q} ↠S Q' then Some min1_6 else None)
         else (if ({p} ↠S Q' q=p')
               then Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) e) min1_7) else None)) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q')
      = (if (p = p'  Q' = { q  Q. (q'. q τ q')}  (p''. p τ p''))
          then Some Some else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) (Attacker_Clause p' q)
      = (if p = p'  q  Q then (subtract 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)
         else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Stable_Conj p Q) (Defender_Conj p' Q')
      = (if Q = {}  Q = Q'  p = p' then (subtract 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)
         else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Delayed p Q) (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' )
      = (if (p = p'  Q' = Q -   p ↦a α p''    Q) then Some Some
         else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q ) (Attacker_Clause p'' q)
      = (if (p = p''  q  Q) then (subtract 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Defender_Branch p α p' Q ) (Attacker_Branch p'' Q')
      = (if (p' = p''   ↦aS α Q')
         then Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) e) min1_6) else None) |

    spectroscopy_moves (Attacker_Branch p Q) (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')
      = (if p = p'  Q = Q' then subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 else None) |

  others: spectroscopy_moves _ _ = None

fun spectroscopy_defender where
  spectroscopy_defender (Attacker_Immediate _ _) = False |
  spectroscopy_defender (Attacker_Branch _ _) = False |
  spectroscopy_defender (Attacker_Clause _ _) = False |
  spectroscopy_defender (Attacker_Delayed _ _) = False |
  spectroscopy_defender (Defender_Branch _ _ _ _ _) = True |
  spectroscopy_defender (Defender_Conj _ _) = True |
  spectroscopy_defender (Defender_Stable_Conj _ _) = True

interpretation Game: energy_game spectroscopy_moves spectroscopy_defender (≤)
  fix e e' ::energy
  show e  e'  e'  e  e = e' unfolding less_eq_energy_def
    by (smt (z3) energy.case_eq_if energy.expand nle_le)
  fix g g' e e' eu eu'
  assume monotonicity_assms:
    spectroscopy_moves g g'  None
    the (spectroscopy_moves g g') e = Some eu
    the (spectroscopy_moves g g') e' = Some eu'
    e  e'
  show eu  eu'
  proof (cases g)
    case (Attacker_Immediate p Q)
    with monotonicity_assms
    show ?thesis
      by (cases g', simp_all, (smt (z3) option.distinct(1) option.sel minus_component_leq)+)
    case (Attacker_Branch p Q)
    with monotonicity_assms
    show ?thesis
      by (cases g', simp_all, (smt (z3) option.distinct(1) option.sel minus_component_leq)+)
    case (Attacker_Clause p q)
    hence p' Q'. g'= (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
      using monotonicity_assms(1,2)
      by (metis spectroscopy_defender.cases spectroscopy_moves.simps(22,23,26,46,62,67))
    hence spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some min1_6  spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) e) min1_7)
      using monotonicity_assms(1,2) Attacker_Clause
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) spectroscopy_moves.simps(7))
    thus ?thesis
    proof safe
      assume spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some min1_6
      thus ?thesis
        using monotonicity_assms min.mono
        unfolding leq_components
        by (metis min_1_6_simps option.sel)
      assume spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some (λe. Option.bind (if ¬ E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  e then None else Some (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)) min1_7)
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding min_1_7_subtr_simp
        using monotonicity_assms
        by (smt (z3) enat_diff_mono energy.sel leq_components min.mono option.distinct(1) option.sel)
    case (Attacker_Delayed p Q)
    hence (p' Q'. g'=(Attacker_Delayed p' Q')) 
      (p' Q'. g'=(Attacker_Immediate p' Q')) 
      (p' Q'. g'=(Defender_Conj p' Q')) 
      (p' Q'. g'=(Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q')) 
      (p' p'' Q' α  . g'= (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' ))
      by (metis monotonicity_assms(1) spectroscopy_defender.cases spectroscopy_moves.simps(27,59))
    thus ?thesis
    proof (safe)
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q'
      thus eu  eu'
        using Attacker_Delayed monotonicity_assms local.procrastination
        by (metis option.sel)
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Attacker_Immediate p' Q'
      hence spectroscopy_moves g g' = (subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
        using Attacker_Delayed monotonicity_assms local.observation
        by (clarify, presburger)
      thus eu  eu'
        by (smt (verit, best) mono_subtract monotonicity_assms option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Defender_Conj p' Q'
      thus eu  eu'
        using Attacker_Delayed monotonicity_assms local.late_inst_conj
        by (metis option.sel)
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q'
      thus eu  eu'
        using Attacker_Delayed monotonicity_assms local.late_stbl_conj
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) option.sel)
      fix p' p'' Q' α 
      assume g' = Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' 
      thus eu  eu'
        using Attacker_Delayed monotonicity_assms local.br_conj
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) option.sel)
    case (Defender_Branch p a p' Q' Qa)
    with monotonicity_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', auto simp del: leq_components, unfold min_1_6_subtr_simp)
        (smt (z3) enat_diff_mono mono_subtract option.discI energy.sel leq_components min.mono option.distinct(1) option.inject)+
    case (Defender_Conj p Q)
    with monotonicity_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', simp_all del: leq_components)
        (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) mono_subtract option.discI option.sel)
    case (Defender_Stable_Conj x71 x72)
    with monotonicity_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', simp_all del: leq_components)
       (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) mono_subtract option.discI option.sel)+
  fix g g' e e'
  assume defender_win_min_assms:
    e  e'
    spectroscopy_moves g g'  None
    the (spectroscopy_moves g g') e' = None
    the (spectroscopy_moves g g') e = None
  proof (cases g)
    case (Attacker_Immediate p Q)
    with defender_win_min_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', auto simp del: leq_components)
        (smt (verit, best) option.distinct(1) option.inject order.trans)+
    case (Attacker_Branch p Q)
    with defender_win_min_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', auto)
        (smt (verit, best) option.distinct(1) option.inject order.trans)+
    case (Attacker_Clause p q)
    hence p' Q'. g'= (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')
      using defender_win_min_assms(2)
      by (metis spectroscopy_defender.cases spectroscopy_moves.simps(21,52,58,62,67,72))
    hence spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some min1_6  spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) e) min1_7)
      using defender_win_min_assms(2) Attacker_Clause
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) spectroscopy_moves.simps(7))
    thus ?thesis
    proof safe
      assume spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some min1_6
      thus the (spectroscopy_moves g g') e = None
        using defender_win_min_assms min_1_6_some by fastforce
      assume spectroscopy_moves g g' = Some (λe. Option.bind (if ¬ E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  e then None else Some (e - E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)) min1_7)
      thus the (spectroscopy_moves g g') e = None
        using defender_win_min_assms(1,3) bind.bind_lunit dual_order.trans min_1_7_some
        by (smt (verit, best) option.sel)
    case (Attacker_Delayed p Q)
    hence (p' Q'. g'=(Attacker_Delayed p' Q')) 
      (p' Q'. g'=(Attacker_Immediate p' Q')) 
      (p' Q'. g'=(Defender_Conj p' Q')) 
      (p' Q'. g'=(Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q')) 
      (p' p'' Q' α  . g'= (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' ))
      by (metis defender_win_min_assms(2) spectroscopy_defender.cases spectroscopy_moves.simps(27,59))
    thus ?thesis
    proof (safe)
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Attacker_Delayed p' Q'
      hence False
        using Attacker_Delayed defender_win_min_assms(2,3) local.procrastination
        by (metis option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      thus the (spectroscopy_moves g (Attacker_Delayed p' Q')) e = None ..
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Attacker_Immediate p' Q'
      moreover hence spectroscopy_moves g g' = (subtract 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
        using Attacker_Delayed defender_win_min_assms(2,3) local.observation
        by (clarify, presburger)
      moreover hence ¬E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  e'
        using  defender_win_min_assms by force
      ultimately show  the (spectroscopy_moves g (Attacker_Immediate p' Q')) e = None
        using defender_win_min_assms(1) by force
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Defender_Conj p' Q'
      hence False
        using Attacker_Delayed defender_win_min_assms(2,3) local.late_inst_conj
        by (metis option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      thus the (spectroscopy_moves g (Defender_Conj p' Q')) e = None ..
      fix p' Q'
      assume g' = Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q'
      hence False
        using Attacker_Delayed defender_win_min_assms(2,3) local.late_stbl_conj
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      thus the (spectroscopy_moves g (Defender_Stable_Conj p' Q')) e = None ..
      fix p' p'' Q' α 
      assume g' = Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' 
      hence False
        using Attacker_Delayed defender_win_min_assms(2,3) local.br_conj
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) option.distinct(1) option.sel)
      thus the (spectroscopy_moves g (Defender_Branch p' α p'' Q' )) e = None ..
    case (Defender_Branch p a p' Q' Qa)
    hence (q'Q'. g' = Attacker_Clause p q')
       (Qa'. Qa ↦aS a Qa'  g' = Attacker_Branch p' Qa')
      using defender_win_min_assms by (cases g', auto) (metis not_None_eq)+
    hence (spectroscopy_moves g g') = (subtract 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) 
      (spectroscopy_moves g g') = Some (λe. Option.bind ((subtract_fn 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) e) min1_6)
      using Defender_Branch option.collapse[OF defender_win_min_assms(2)]
      by (cases g', auto)
    thus ?thesis
      using defender_win_min_assms min_1_6_some
      by (smt (verit, best) bind.bind_lunit option.distinct(1) dual_order.trans option.sel)
    case (Defender_Conj p Q)
    with defender_win_min_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', auto)
        (smt (verit, best) option.distinct(1) option.inject order.trans)+
    case (Defender_Stable_Conj x71 x72)
    with defender_win_min_assms show ?thesis
      by (cases g', simp_all del: leq_components)
         (smt (verit) dual_order.trans option.discI option.sel)+


text ‹Now, we are able to define the weak spectroscopy game on an arbitrary (but inhabited) LTS.›
locale weak_spectroscopy_game =
  LTS_Tau step τ
  + energy_game spectroscopy_moves spectroscopy_defender less_eq
  for step :: 's  'a  's  bool (‹_ _ _› [70, 70, 70] 80) and
      τ :: 'a
