Theory Weak_Traces

section ‹Weak Traces \label{appndx:weakTraces}›
theory Weak_Traces
  imports Main HML_SRBB Expressiveness_Price

text ‹The inductive @{term is_trace_formula} represents the modal-logical characterization of weak traces HML$_{WT}$.
In particular:
  \item $\top \in$ HML$_{WT}$ encoded by  @{term is_trace_formula} TT›, @{term is_trace_formula} @{term (ImmConj I ψs)} if I = {}› and @{term is_trace_formula} @{term (Conj I ψs)} if I = {}.›.
  \item ⟨ε⟩χ› $\in$ HML$_{WT}$ if φ› $\in$ HML$_{WT}$ encoded by @{term is_trace_formula} @{term (Internal χ)} if @{term is_trace_formula} χ›.
  \item (α)φ› $\in$ HML$_{WT}$ if φ› $\in$ HML$_{WT}$ encoded by @{term is_trace_formula} @{term (Obs α φ)} if @{term is_trace_formula} φ›.
  \item ⋀{(α)φ} ∪ Ψ› $\in$ HML$_{WT}$ if φ› $\in$ HML$_{WT}$ and Ψ = {}› encoded by @{term is_trace_formula} @{term (BranchConj α φ I ψs)} if @{term is_trace_formula} φ› and I = {}›.

      is_trace_formula :: ('act, 'i) hml_srbb  bool
  and is_trace_formula_inner :: ('act, 'i) hml_srbb_inner  bool where
  is_trace_formula TT |
  is_trace_formula (Internal χ) if is_trace_formula_inner χ |
  is_trace_formula (ImmConj I ψs) if I = {} |

  is_trace_formula_inner (Obs α φ) if is_trace_formula φ |
  is_trace_formula_inner (Conj I ψs) if I = {}

text ‹We define a function that translates a (weak) trace tr› to a formula φ› such that a state p› models φ›, p ⊨ φ› if and only if tr› is a (weak) trace of p›.›
fun wtrace_to_srbb :: 'act list  ('act, 'i) hml_srbb
  and wtrace_to_inner :: 'act list  ('act, 'i) hml_srbb_inner
  and wtrace_to_conjunct :: 'act list  ('act, 'i) hml_srbb_conjunct where
  wtrace_to_srbb [] = TT |
  wtrace_to_srbb tr = (Internal (wtrace_to_inner tr)) |

  wtrace_to_inner [] = (Conj {} (λ_. undefined)) | ― ‹ Should never happen›
  wtrace_to_inner (α # tr) = (Obs α (wtrace_to_srbb tr)) |

  wtrace_to_conjunct tr = Pos (wtrace_to_inner tr) ― ‹Should never happen›

text @{term wtrace_to_srbb trace} is in our modal-logical characterization of weak traces.›
lemma trace_to_srbb_is_trace_formula:
  is_trace_formula (wtrace_to_srbb trace)
  by (induct trace,
      auto simp add: is_trace_formula.simps is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.intros(1,4))

text ‹The following three lemmas show that the modal-logical characterization of HML$_{WT}$ corresponds to the sublanguage of HML$_\text{SRBB}$, obtain by the energy coordinates (∞, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)›.›

lemma trace_formula_to_expressiveness:
  fixes φ :: ('act, 'i) hml_srbb
  fixes χ :: ('act, 'i) hml_srbb_inner
  shows  (is_trace_formula φ        (φ  𝒪       (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
         (is_trace_formula_inner χ  (χ  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
  by (rule is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.induct) (simp add: Sup_enat_def 𝒪_def 𝒪_inner_def)+

lemma expressiveness_to_trace_formula:
  fixes φ :: ('act, 'i) hml_srbb
  fixes χ :: ('act, 'i) hml_srbb_inner
  shows (φ  𝒪 (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)  is_trace_formula φ)
        (χ  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)  is_trace_formula_inner χ)
proof (induct rule: hml_srbb_hml_srbb_inner_hml_srbb_conjunct.induct)
  case TT
  then show ?case
    using is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.intros(1) by blast
  case (Internal x)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: 𝒪_inner_def 𝒪_def is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.intros(2))
  case (ImmConj x1 x2)
  then show ?case
    using 𝒪_def is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.intros(3)
    by(auto simp add: 𝒪_def)
  case (Obs x1 x2)
  then show ?case by (simp add: 𝒪_def 𝒪_inner_def is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.intros(4))
  case (Conj I ψs)
  show ?case
  proof (rule impI)
    assume Conj I ψs  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    hence I = {}
      unfolding 𝒪_inner_def
      by (metis bot.extremum_uniqueI bot_enat_def energy.sel(3) expr_pr_inner.simps inst_conj_depth_inner.simps(2) le_iff_add leq_components mem_Collect_eq not_one_le_zero)
    then show is_trace_formula_inner (Conj I ψs)
      by (simp add: is_trace_formula_is_trace_formula_inner.intros(5))
  case (StableConj I ψs)
  show ?case
  proof (rule impI)
    assume StableConj I ψs  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    have StableConj I ψs  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
      by (simp add: 𝒪_inner_def)
    with StableConj I ψs  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    show is_trace_formula_inner (StableConj I ψs) by contradiction
  case (BranchConj α φ I ψs)
  have expr_pr_inner (BranchConj α φ I ψs)  E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    by simp
  hence BranchConj α φ I ψs  𝒪_inner (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    unfolding 𝒪_inner_def by simp
  thus ?case by blast
  case (Pos x)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Neg x)
  then show ?case by auto

lemma modal_depth_only_is_trace_form:
  (is_trace_formula φ) = (φ  𝒪 (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
  using expressiveness_to_trace_formula trace_formula_to_expressiveness by blast

context LTS_Tau

text ‹If a formula φ› is in HML$_{WT}$ and a state p› models φ›, then there exists a weak trace tr› of p› such that @{term wtrace_to_srbb tr} is equivalent to φ›.›
lemma trace_formula_implies_trace:
  fixes ψ ::('a, 's) hml_srbb_conjunct
       trace_case: is_trace_formula φ  p ⊨SRBB φ  (tr  weak_traces p. wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ φ)
    and conj_case: is_trace_formula_inner χ  hml_srbb_inner_models q χ  (tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ χ)
    and            True
proof (induction φ and χ and ψ arbitrary: p and q)
  case TT
  then have []  weak_traces p
    using weak_step_sequence.intros(1) silent_reachable.intros(1) by fastforce
  moreover have wtrace_to_srbb [] ⇚srbb⇛ TT
    unfolding wtrace_to_srbb.simps
    by (simp add: equivp_reflp)
  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (Internal χ)

  from is_trace_formula (Internal χ)
  have is_trace_formula_inner χ
    using is_trace_formula.cases by auto

  from p ⊨SRBB Internal χ
  have p'. p  p'  hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ
    unfolding hml_srbb_models.simps.
  then obtain p' where p  p' and hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ by auto
  hence hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ by auto
  with is_trace_formula_inner χ
  have trweak_traces p'. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ χ
    using Internal.IH by blast
  then obtain tr where tr_spec:
    tr  weak_traces p' wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ χ by auto
  with p  p' have tr  weak_traces p
    using silent_prepend_weak_traces by auto

  have wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ Internal χ
  proof (cases tr)
    case Nil
    thus ?thesis
      using srbb_TT_is_χTT tr_spec by auto
    case (Cons a tr)
    thus ?thesis
      using tr_spec internal_srbb_cong by auto

  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (ImmConj I ψs)

  from is_trace_formula (ImmConj I ψs)
  have I = {}
    by (simp add: is_trace_formula.simps)

  have []  weak_traces p
    using silent_reachable.intros(1) weak_step_sequence.intros(1) by auto

  from srbb_TT_is_empty_conj
   and I = {}
  have wtrace_to_srbb [] ⇚srbb⇛ ImmConj I ψs
    unfolding wtrace_to_srbb.simps by auto

  from []  weak_traces p
   and wtrace_to_srbb [] ⇚srbb⇛ ImmConj I ψs
  show trweak_traces p. wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ ImmConj I ψs by auto
  case (Obs α φ)
  assume IH: p1. is_trace_formula φ  p1 ⊨SRBB φ  trweak_traces p1. wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ φ
     and is_trace_formula_inner (Obs α φ)
     and hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α φ)
  then show tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
  proof (cases α = τ)
    case True

    with hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α φ) have q ⊨SRBB φ
      using Obs.prems(1) silent_reachable.step empty_conj_trivial(1)
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) hml_srbb_inner.distinct(1) hml_srbb_inner.inject(1)
          hml_srbb_inner_models.simps(1) hml_srbb_models.simps(1,2) is_trace_formula.cases

    moreover have is_trace_formula φ
      using is_trace_formula_inner (Obs α φ) is_trace_formula_inner.cases by auto

    ultimately show tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
      using Obs.IH
      by (metis α = τ obs_srbb_cong prepend_τ_weak_trace wtrace_to_inner.simps(2))
    case False

    from is_trace_formula_inner (Obs α φ)
    have is_trace_formula φ
      by (simp add: is_trace_formula_inner.simps)

    from hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α φ) and α  τ
    have q'. q  α q'  q' ⊨SRBB φ by simp
    then obtain q' where q  α q' and q' ⊨SRBB φ by auto

    from is_trace_formula φ
     and q' ⊨SRBB φ
     and IH
    have tr'  weak_traces q'. wtrace_to_srbb tr' ⇚srbb⇛ φ by auto
    then obtain tr' where tr'  weak_traces q' and wtrace_to_srbb tr' ⇚srbb⇛ φ by auto

    from q  α q'
     and tr'  weak_traces q'
    have (α # tr')  weak_traces q
      using step_prepend_weak_traces by auto

    from wtrace_to_srbb tr' ⇚srbb⇛ φ
    have Obs α (wtrace_to_srbb tr') ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
      using obs_srbb_cong by auto
    then have wtrace_to_inner (α # tr') ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
      unfolding wtrace_to_inner.simps.

    with (α # tr')  weak_traces q
    show tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ by blast
  case (Conj I ψs)
  assume is_trace_formula_inner (Conj I ψs)
     and hml_srbb_inner_models q (Conj I ψs)

  from is_trace_formula_inner (Conj I ψs)
  have I = {}
    by (simp add: is_trace_formula_inner.simps)

  have []  weak_traces q by (rule empty_trace_allways_weak_trace)

  have (Conj {} (λ_. undefined)) ⇚χ⇛ (Conj {} ψs)
    using srbb_obs_τ_is_χTT by simp
  then have (Conj {} (λ_. undefined)) ⇚χ⇛ (Conj I ψs)
    using I = {} by auto
  then have wtrace_to_inner [] ⇚χ⇛ Conj I ψs
    unfolding wtrace_to_inner.simps.

  from []  weak_traces q
   and wtrace_to_inner [] ⇚χ⇛ Conj I ψs
  show ?case by auto
  case (StableConj I ψs)
  have ¬is_trace_formula_inner (StableConj I ψs)
    by (simp add: is_trace_formula_inner.simps)
  with is_trace_formula_inner (StableConj I ψs)
  show ?case by contradiction
  case (BranchConj α φ I ψs)
  assume IH: p1. is_trace_formula φ  p1 ⊨SRBB φ  trweak_traces p1. wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ φ
  from is_trace_formula_inner (BranchConj α φ I ψs)
  have is_trace_formula φ  I = {}
    by (simp add: is_trace_formula_inner.simps)
  hence is_trace_formula φ and I = {} by auto
  from hml_srbb_inner_models q (BranchConj α φ I ψs)
   and I = {}
  have hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α φ)
    using srbb_obs_is_empty_branch_conj
    by auto

  have tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
  proof (cases α = τ)
    assume α = τ

    from hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α φ)
    show tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
      using BranchConj.prems(1) is_trace_formula_inner.simps by fastforce
    assume α  τ

    from hml_srbb_inner_models q (Obs α φ)
     and α  τ
    have q'. q  α q'  q' ⊨SRBB φ by auto
    then obtain q' where q  α q' and q' ⊨SRBB φ by auto

    from is_trace_formula φ
     and q' ⊨SRBB φ
     and IH
    have tr'  weak_traces q'. wtrace_to_srbb tr' ⇚srbb⇛ φ by auto
    then obtain tr' where tr'  weak_traces q' and wtrace_to_srbb tr' ⇚srbb⇛ φ by auto

    from q  α q'
     and tr'  weak_traces q'
    have (α # tr')  weak_traces q
      using step_prepend_weak_traces by auto

    from wtrace_to_srbb tr' ⇚srbb⇛ φ
    have Obs α (wtrace_to_srbb tr') ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
      using obs_srbb_cong by auto
    then have wtrace_to_inner (α # tr') ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
      unfolding wtrace_to_inner.simps.

    with (α # tr')  weak_traces q
    show tr  weak_traces q. wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ by blast
  then obtain tr where tr  weak_traces q and wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ by auto

  from wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ Obs α φ
   and I = {}
  have wtrace_to_inner tr ⇚χ⇛ (BranchConj α φ I ψs)
    using srbb_obs_is_empty_branch_conj by simp
  with tr  weak_traces q
  show ?case by blast
  case (Pos χ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Neg χ)
  then show ?case by auto

text t› is a weak trace of a state p› if and only if p› models the formula obtained from @{term wtrace_to_srbb t}.›
lemma trace_equals_trace_to_formula:
  t  weak_traces p = (p ⊨SRBB (wtrace_to_srbb t))
  assume t  weak_traces p
  show p ⊨SRBB (wtrace_to_srbb t)
    using t  weak_traces p
  proof(induction t arbitrary: p)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      by simp
    case (Cons a tail)
    from Cons obtain p'' p' where p ↠↦↠ a p'' p'' ↠↦↠$ tail p' using weak_step_sequence.simps
      by (smt (verit, best) list.discI list.inject mem_Collect_eq)
    with Cons(1) have IS: p'' ⊨SRBB wtrace_to_srbb tail
      by blast
    from Cons have goal_eq: wtrace_to_srbb (a # tail) = (Internal (Obs a (wtrace_to_srbb tail)))
      by simp
    show ?case
      by (smt (verit) Cons.IH IS LTS_Tau.hml_srbb_inner_models.simps(1)
          LTS_Tau.silent_reachable_trans p ↠↦↠ a p'' empty_trace_allways_weak_trace goal_eq
          hml_srbb_models.simps(2) weak_step_def wtrace_to_srbb.elims)
  assume p ⊨SRBB wtrace_to_srbb t
  then show t  weak_traces p
  proof(induction t arbitrary: p)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      using weak_step_sequence.intros(1) silent_reachable.intros(1) by auto
    case (Cons a tail)
    hence p ⊨SRBB (Internal (Obs a (wtrace_to_srbb tail)))
      by simp
    show ?case
      using Cons.IH p ⊨SRBB hml_srbb.Internal (hml_srbb_inner.Obs a (wtrace_to_srbb tail)) prepend_τ_weak_trace silent_prepend_weak_traces step_prepend_weak_traces by fastforce

text ‹If a state p› weakly trace-pre-orders another state q›, φ› is in our modal-logical characterization HML$_{WT}$, and p› models φ› then q› models φ›.›
lemma aux:
  fixes φ :: ('a, 's) hml_srbb
  fixes χ :: ('a, 's) hml_srbb_inner
  fixes ψ :: ('a, 's) hml_srbb_conjunct
  shows p ≲WT q  is_trace_formula φ  p ⊨SRBB φ  q ⊨SRBB φ
proof -
  assume φ_trace: is_trace_formula φ and p_sat_srbb: p ⊨SRBB φ and assms: p ≲WT q
  show q ⊨SRBB φ
    from assms have p_trace_implies_q_trace: tr p'. (p ↠↦↠$ tr p')  (q'. q ↠↦↠$ tr q')
      unfolding weakly_trace_preordered_def by auto
    from p_sat_srbb trace_formula_implies_trace obtain tr p' where
      (p ↠↦↠$ tr p') wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ φ
      using φ_trace by blast
    with p_trace_implies_q_trace obtain q' where q ↠↦↠$ tr q'
      by blast
    with trace_equals_trace_to_formula show ?thesis
      using wtrace_to_srbb tr ⇚srbb⇛ φ by auto

text ‹These are the main lemmas of this theory. They establish that the colloquial, relational notion of of weak trace pre-order/equivalence
has the same distinctive power as the one derived from the coordinate (∞, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0›).
A state p› weakly trace-pre-orders a state q› iff and only if it also pre-orders q› with respect to the coordinate (∞, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0›).›
lemma expr_preorder_characterizes_relational_preorder_traces:
  (p ≲WT q) = (p  (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0) q)
  unfolding expr_preord_def preordered_def
  assume p ≲WT q
  thus φ𝒪 (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0). p ⊨SRBB φ  q ⊨SRBB φ
    using aux expressiveness_to_trace_formula weakly_trace_preordered_def
    by blast+
  assume φ_eneg: φ𝒪 (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0). p ⊨SRBB φ  q ⊨SRBB φ
  thus p ≲WT q
    unfolding weakly_trace_preordered_def
    using trace_equals_trace_to_formula trace_formula_to_expressiveness trace_to_srbb_is_trace_formula
    by fastforce

text ‹Two states p› and q› are weakly trace equivalent if and only if they they are equivalent with respect to the coordinate (∞, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0›).›
lemma (p ≃WT q) = (p  (E  0 0 0 0 0 0 0) q)
  using expr_preorder_characterizes_relational_preorder_traces
  unfolding weakly_trace_equivalent_def expr_equiv_def 𝒪_def expr_preord_def
  by simp

