Theory Branching_Bisimilarity
section ‹Branching Bisimilarity›
theory Branching_Bisimilarity
imports Eta_Bisimilarity
subsection ‹Definitions of (Stability-Respecting) Branching Bisimilarity›
context LTS_Tau
definition branching_simulation :: ‹('s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool› where
‹branching_simulation R ≡ ∀p α p' q. R p q ⟶ p ↦ α p' ⟶
((α = τ ∧ R p' q) ∨ (∃q' q''. q ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R p q' ∧ R p' q''))›
lemma branching_simulation_intro:
‹⋀p α p' q. R p q ⟹ p ↦ α p' ⟹
((α = τ ∧ R p' q) ∨ (∃q' q''. q ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R p q' ∧ R p' q''))›
‹branching_simulation R›
using assms unfolding branching_simulation_def by simp
definition branching_simulated :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› where
‹branching_simulated p q ≡ ∃R. branching_simulation R ∧ R p q›
definition branching_bisimulated :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› where
‹branching_bisimulated p q ≡ ∃R. branching_simulation R ∧ symp R ∧ R p q›
definition sr_branching_bisimulated :: ‹'s ⇒ 's ⇒ bool› (infix ‹~SRBB› 40) where
‹p ~SRBB q ≡ ∃R. branching_simulation R ∧ symp R ∧ stability_respecting R ∧ R p q›
subsection ‹Properties of Branching Bisimulation Equivalences›
lemma branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim: ‹branching_simulation sr_branching_bisimulated›
unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def branching_simulation_def by blast
lemma branching_sim_eta_sim:
assumes ‹branching_simulation R›
shows ‹eta_simulation R›
using assms silent_reachable.refl unfolding branching_simulation_def eta_simulation_def by blast
lemma silence_retains_branching_sim:
‹branching_simulation R›
‹R p q›
‹p ↠ p'›
shows ‹∃q'. R p' q' ∧ q ↠ q'›
using assms silence_retains_eta_sim branching_sim_eta_sim by blast
lemma branching_bisimilarity_stability: ‹stability_respecting sr_branching_bisimulated›
unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def stability_respecting_def by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulation_silently_retained:
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹p ↠ p'›
‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ sr_branching_bisimulated p' q'› using assms(2,1)
using branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim silence_retains_branching_sim by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulation_sim:
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹p ↠ p'› ‹p' ↦a α p''›
‹∃q' q''. q ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦a α q'' ∧ sr_branching_bisimulated p' q' ∧ sr_branching_bisimulated p'' q''›
proof -
obtain q' where ‹q ↠ q'› ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p' q'›
using assms sr_branching_bisimulation_silently_retained by blast
thus ?thesis
using assms(3) branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim silent_reachable_trans
unfolding branching_simulation_def
by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulated_sym:
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹sr_branching_bisimulated q p›
using assms unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def by (meson sympD)
lemma sr_branching_bisimulated_symp:
shows ‹symp (~SRBB)›
using sr_branching_bisimulated_sym
using sympI by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulated_reflp:
shows ‹reflp (~SRBB)›
unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def stability_respecting_def reflp_def
using silence_retains_branching_sim silent_reachable.refl
by (smt (verit) DEADID.rel_symp branching_simulation_intro)
lemma establish_sr_branching_bisim:
‹∀α p'. p ↦ α p' ⟶
((α = τ ∧ p' ~SRBB q) ∨ (∃q' q''. q ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ p ~SRBB q' ∧ p' ~SRBB q''))›
‹∀α q'. q ↦ α q' ⟶
((α = τ ∧ p ~SRBB q') ∨ (∃p' p''. p ↠ p' ∧ p' ↦ α p'' ∧ p' ~SRBB q ∧ p'' ~SRBB q'))›
‹stable_state p ⟶ (∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ p ~SRBB q' ∧ stable_state q')›
‹stable_state q ⟶ (∃p'. p ↠ p' ∧ p' ~SRBB q ∧ stable_state p')›
shows ‹p ~SRBB q›
proof -
define R where ‹R ≡ λpp qq. pp ~SRBB qq ∨ (pp = p ∧ qq = q) ∨ (pp = q ∧ qq = p)›
R_cases: ‹⋀pp qq. R pp qq ⟹ pp ~SRBB qq ∨ (pp = p ∧ qq = q) ∨ (pp = q ∧ qq = p)› and
bisim_extension: ‹∀pp qq. pp ~SRBB qq ⟶ R pp qq› by blast+
have ‹symp R›
unfolding symp_def R_def sr_branching_bisimulated_def
by blast
moreover have ‹stability_respecting R›
unfolding stability_respecting_def
proof safe
fix pp qq
assume ‹R pp qq› ‹stable_state pp›
then consider ‹pp ~SRBB qq› | ‹pp = p ∧ qq = q› | ‹pp = q ∧ qq = p›
using R_cases by blast
thus ‹∃q'. qq ↠ q' ∧ R pp q' ∧ stable_state q'›
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
using branching_bisimilarity_stability ‹stable_state pp› bisim_extension
unfolding stability_respecting_def
by blast
case 2
then show ?thesis
using assms(3) ‹stable_state pp› unfolding R_def by blast
case 3
then show ?thesis
using assms(4) ‹stable_state pp› ‹symp R› unfolding R_def
by (meson sr_branching_bisimulated_sym)
moreover have ‹branching_simulation R› unfolding branching_simulation_def
proof clarify
fix pp α p' qq
assume bc: ‹R pp qq› ‹pp ↦ α p'› ‹∄q' q''. qq ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R pp q' ∧ R p' q''›
then consider ‹pp ~SRBB qq› | ‹pp = p ∧ qq = q› | ‹pp = q ∧ qq = p›
using R_cases by blast
thus ‹α = τ ∧ R p' qq›
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, del_insts) bc bisim_extension
branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim branching_simulation_def)
case 2
then show ?thesis
using bc assms(1) bisim_extension by blast
case 3
then show ?thesis
using bc assms(2) bisim_extension sr_branching_bisimulated_sym by metis
moreover have ‹R p q› unfolding R_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulation_stuttering:
‹pp ≠ []›
‹∀i < length pp - 1. pp!i ↦ τ pp!(Suc i)›
‹hd pp ~SRBB last pp›
‹i < length pp›
‹hd pp ~SRBB pp!i›
proof -
have chain_reachable: ‹∀j < length pp. ∀i ≤ j. pp!i ↠ pp!j›
using tau_chain_reachabilty assms(2) .
hence chain_hd_last:
‹∀i < length pp. hd pp ↠ pp!i›
‹∀i < length pp. pp!i ↠ last pp›
by (auto simp add: assms(1) hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth)
define R where ‹R ≡ λp q. (p = hd pp ∧ (∃i < length pp. pp!i = q)) ∨ ((q = hd pp ∧ (∃i < length pp. pp!i = p))) ∨ p ~SRBB q›
have later_hd_sim: ‹⋀i p' α. i < length pp ⟹ pp!i ↦ α p'
⟹ (hd pp) ↠ (pp!i) ∧ (pp!i) ↦ α p' ∧ R (pp!i) (pp!i) ∧ R p' p'›
using chain_hd_last sr_branching_bisimulated_reflp
unfolding R_def
by (simp add: reflp_def)
have hd_later_sim: ‹⋀i p' α. i < length pp - 1 ⟹ (hd pp) ↦ α p'
⟹ (∃q' q''. (pp!i) ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R (hd pp) q' ∧ R p' q'')›
proof -
fix i p' α
assume case_assm: ‹i < length pp - 1› ‹(hd pp) ↦ α p'›
hence ‹(α = τ ∧ p' ~SRBB (last pp)) ∨ (∃q' q''. (last pp) ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ (hd pp) ~SRBB q' ∧ p' ~SRBB q'')›
using ‹hd pp ~SRBB last pp› branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim branching_simulation_def
by auto
thus ‹(∃q' q''. (pp!i) ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R (hd pp) q' ∧ R p' q'')›
assume tau_null_step: ‹α = τ ∧ p' ~SRBB last pp›
have ‹pp ! i ↠ (pp!(length pp - 2))›
using case_assm(1) chain_reachable by force
moreover have ‹pp!(length pp - 2) ↦ α (last pp)›
using assms(1,2) case_assm(1) last_conv_nth tau_null_step
by (metis Nat.lessE Suc_1 Suc_diff_Suc less_Suc_eq zero_less_Suc zero_less_diff)
moreover have ‹R (hd pp) (pp!(length pp - 2)) ∧ R p' (last pp)›
unfolding R_def
by (metis assms(1) diff_less length_greater_0_conv less_2_cases_iff tau_null_step)
ultimately show ‹∃q' q''. pp ! i ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R (hd pp) q' ∧ R p' q''› by blast
assume ‹∃q' q''. last pp ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ hd pp ~SRBB q' ∧ p' ~SRBB q''›
hence ‹∃q' q''. last pp ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R (hd pp) q' ∧ R p' q''›
unfolding R_def by blast
moreover have ‹i < length pp› using case_assm by auto
ultimately show ‹∃q' q''. pp ! i ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R (hd pp) q' ∧ R p' q''›
using chain_hd_last silent_reachable_trans by blast
have ‹branching_simulation R›
proof (rule branching_simulation_intro)
fix p α p' q
assume challenge: ‹R p q› ‹p ↦ α p'›
from this(1) consider
‹(p = hd pp ∧ (∃i < length pp. pp!i = q))› |
‹(q = hd pp ∧ (∃i < length pp. pp!i = p))› |
‹ p ~SRBB q› unfolding R_def by blast
thus ‹α = τ ∧ R p' q ∨ (∃q' q''. q ↠ q' ∧ q' ↦ α q'' ∧ R p q' ∧ R p' q'')›
proof cases
case 1
then obtain i where i_spec: ‹i < length pp› ‹pp ! i = q› by blast
from 1 have ‹p = hd pp› ..
show ?thesis
proof (cases ‹i = length pp - 1›)
case True
then have ‹q = last pp› using i_spec assms(1)
by (simp add: last_conv_nth)
then show ?thesis using challenge(2) assms(3) branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim
unfolding R_def branching_simulation_def ‹p = hd pp›
by metis
case False
hence ‹i < length pp - 1› using i_spec by auto
then show ?thesis using ‹p = hd pp› i_spec hd_later_sim challenge(2) by blast
case 2
then show ?thesis
using later_hd_sim challenge(2) by blast
case 3
then show ?thesis
using challenge(2) branching_bisimilarity_branching_sim
unfolding branching_simulation_def R_def by metis
moreover have ‹symp R›
using sr_branching_bisimulated_sym
unfolding R_def sr_branching_bisimulated_def
by (smt (verit, best) sympI)
moreover have ‹stability_respecting R›
using assms(3) stable_state_stable sr_branching_bisimulated_sym
unfolding R_def stability_respecting_def
by (metis chain_hd_last)
moreover have ‹⋀i. i < length pp ⟹ R (hd pp) (pp!i)› unfolding R_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(4) sr_branching_bisimulated_def by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulation_stabilizes:
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹stable_state p›
‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ sr_branching_bisimulated p q' ∧ stable_state q'›
proof -
from assms obtain R where
R_spec: ‹branching_simulation R› ‹symp R› ‹stability_respecting R› ‹R p q›
unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def by blast
then obtain q' where ‹q ↠ q'› ‹stable_state q'›
using assms(2) unfolding stability_respecting_def by blast
moreover have ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q'›
using sr_branching_bisimulation_stuttering
assms(1) calculation(1) sr_branching_bisimulated_def sympD
by (metis assms(2) sr_branching_bisimulation_silently_retained stable_state_stable)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisim_stronger:
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹branching_bisimulated p q›
using assms unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def branching_bisimulated_def by auto
subsection ‹‹HML_SRBB› as Modal Characterization of Stability-Respecting Branching Bisimilarity›
lemma modal_sym: ‹symp (preordered UNIV)›
have ‹∄ p q. preordered UNIV p q ∧ ¬preordered UNIV q p›
proof safe
fix p q
assume contradiction:
‹preordered UNIV p q›
‹¬preordered UNIV q p›
then obtain φ where φ_distinguishes: ‹distinguishes φ q p› by auto
thus False
proof (cases φ)
case TT
then show ?thesis using φ_distinguishes by auto
case (Internal χ)
hence ‹distinguishes (ImmConj {undefined} (λi. Neg χ)) p q›
using φ_distinguishes by simp
then show ?thesis using contradiction preordered_no_distinction by blast
case (ImmConj I Ψ)
then obtain i where i_def: ‹i ∈ I› ‹hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes (Ψ i) q p›
using φ_distinguishes srbb_dist_imm_conjunction_implies_dist_conjunct by auto
then show ?thesis
proof (cases ‹Ψ i›)
case (Pos χ)
hence ‹distinguishes (ImmConj {undefined} (λi. Neg χ)) p q› using i_def by simp
thus ?thesis using contradiction preordered_no_distinction by blast
case (Neg χ)
hence ‹distinguishes (Internal χ) p q› using i_def by simp
thus ?thesis using contradiction preordered_no_distinction by blast
thus ?thesis unfolding symp_def by blast
lemma modal_branching_sim: ‹branching_simulation (preordered UNIV)›
proof -
have ‹∄p α p' q. (preordered UNIV) p q ∧ p ↦ α p' ∧
(α ≠ τ ∨ ¬(preordered UNIV) p' q) ∧
(∀q' q''. q ↠ q' ⟶ q' ↦ α q'' ⟶ ¬ preordered UNIV p q' ∨ ¬ preordered UNIV p' q'')›
proof clarify
fix p α p' q
define Qα where ‹Qα ≡ {q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∄φ. distinguishes φ p q')}›
assume contradiction:
‹preordered UNIV p q› ‹p ↦ α p'›
‹∀q' q''. q ↠ q' ⟶ q' ↦ α q'' ⟶ ¬ preordered UNIV p q' ∨ ¬ preordered UNIV p' q''›
‹α ≠ τ ∨ ¬ preordered UNIV p' q›
hence distinctions: ‹∀q'. q ↠ q' ⟶
(∃φ. distinguishes φ p q') ∨
(∀q''. q' ↦a α q'' ⟶ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p' q''))›
using preordered_no_distinction
by (metis equivpI equivp_def lts_semantics.preordered_preord modal_sym)
hence ‹∀q''. ∀q'∈Qα.
q' ↦a α q'' ⟶ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p' q'')›
unfolding Qα_def by auto
hence ‹∀q''. (∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∄φ. distinguishes φ p q') ∧ q' ↦a α q'')
⟶ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p' q'')›
unfolding Qα_def by blast
then obtain Φα where
‹∀q''. (∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∄φ. distinguishes φ p q') ∧ q' ↦a α q'')
⟶ distinguishes (Φα q'') p' q''› by metis
hence distinctions_α: ‹∀q'∈Qα. ∀q''.
q' ↦a α q'' ⟶ distinguishes (Φα q'') p' q''›
unfolding Qα_def by blast
from distinctions obtain Φη where
‹∀q'. q'∈{q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p q')}
⟶ distinguishes (Φη q') p q'› unfolding mem_Collect_eq by moura
with distinction_conjunctification obtain Ψη where distinctions_η:
‹∀q'∈{q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p q')}. hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes (Ψη q') p q'›
by blast
have ‹p ↦a α p'› using ‹p ↦ α p'› by auto
from distinction_combination[OF this] distinctions_α have obs_dist:
hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes (Obs α (ImmConj {q''. ∃q'''∈Qα. q''' ↦a α q''}
(conjunctify_distinctions Φα p'))) p q'›
unfolding Qα_def by blast
with distinctions_η have
‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (BranchConj α
(ImmConj {q''. ∃q'''∈Qα. q''' ↦a α q''}
(conjunctify_distinctions Φα p'))
{q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p q')} Ψη)›
using contradiction(1) silent_reachable.refl
unfolding Qα_def distinguishes_def hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes_def hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_def preordered_def
by simp force
moreover have ‹∀q'. q ↠ q' ⟶ ¬ hml_srbb_inner_models q'
(BranchConj α (ImmConj {q''. ∃q'''∈Qα. q''' ↦a α q''} (conjunctify_distinctions Φα p')) {q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p q')} Ψη)›
proof safe
fix q'
assume contradiction: ‹q ↠ q'›
‹hml_srbb_inner_models q' (BranchConj α (ImmConj {q''. ∃q'''∈Qα. q''' ↦a α q''} (conjunctify_distinctions Φα p')) {q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p q')} Ψη)›
thus ‹False›
using obs_dist distinctions_η
unfolding distinguishes_def hml_srbb_conj.distinguishes_def hml_srbb_inner.distinguishes_def Qα_def
by (auto) blast+
ultimately have ‹distinguishes (Internal (BranchConj α (ImmConj {q''. ∃q'''∈Qα. q''' ↦a α q''} (conjunctify_distinctions Φα p')) {q'. q ↠ q' ∧ (∃φ. distinguishes φ p q')} Ψη)) p q›
unfolding distinguishes_def Qα_def
using silent_reachable.refl by (auto) blast+
thus False using contradiction(1) preordered_no_distinction by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding branching_simulation_def by blast
lemma logic_sr_branching_bisim_invariant:
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p0 q0›
‹p0 ⊨SRBB φ›
shows ‹q0 ⊨SRBB φ›
have ‹⋀φ χ ψ.
(∀p q. sr_branching_bisimulated p q ⟶ p ⊨SRBB φ ⟶ q ⊨SRBB φ) ∧
(∀p q. sr_branching_bisimulated p q ⟶ hml_srbb_inner_models p χ ⟶ (∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ)) ∧
(∀p q. sr_branching_bisimulated p q ⟶ hml_srbb_conjunct_models p ψ ⟶ hml_srbb_conjunct_models q ψ)›
fix φ χ ψ
‹(∀p q. sr_branching_bisimulated p q ⟶ p ⊨SRBB φ ⟶ q ⊨SRBB φ) ∧
(∀p q. sr_branching_bisimulated p q ⟶ hml_srbb_inner_models p χ ⟶ (∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ)) ∧
(∀p q. sr_branching_bisimulated p q ⟶ hml_srbb_conjunct_models p ψ ⟶ hml_srbb_conjunct_models q ψ)›
proof (induct rule: hml_srbb_hml_srbb_inner_hml_srbb_conjunct.induct)
case TT
then show ?case by simp
case (Internal χ)
show ?case
proof safe
fix p q
assume ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q› ‹p ⊨SRBB hml_srbb.Internal χ›
then obtain p' where ‹p ↠ p'› ‹hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ› by auto
hence ‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ› using Internal ‹hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ›
by (meson LTS_Tau.silent_reachable_trans ‹p ~SRBB q› sr_branching_bisimulation_silently_retained)
thus ‹q ⊨SRBB hml_srbb.Internal χ› by auto
case (ImmConj I Ψ)
then show ?case by auto
case (Obs α φ)
then show ?case
proof (safe)
fix p q
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (hml_srbb_inner.Obs α φ)›
then obtain p' where ‹p ↦a α p'› ‹p' ⊨SRBB φ› by auto
then obtain q' q'' where ‹q ↠ q'› ‹q' ↦a α q''› ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p' q''›
using sr_branching_bisimulation_sim[OF ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›] silent_reachable.refl
by blast
hence ‹q'' ⊨SRBB φ› using ‹p' ⊨SRBB φ› Obs by blast
hence ‹hml_srbb_inner_models q' (hml_srbb_inner.Obs α φ)›
using ‹q' ↦a α q''› by auto
thus ‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' (hml_srbb_inner.Obs α φ)›
using ‹q ↠ q'› by blast
case (Conj I Ψ)
show ?case
proof safe
fix p q
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (hml_srbb_inner.Conj I Ψ)›
hence ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Ψ i)› by auto
hence ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models q (Ψ i)›
using Conj ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q› by blast
hence ‹hml_srbb_inner_models q (hml_srbb_inner.Conj I Ψ)› by simp
thus ‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' (hml_srbb_inner.Conj I Ψ)›
using silent_reachable.refl by blast
case (StableConj I Ψ) show ?case
proof safe
fix p q
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (StableConj I Ψ)›
hence ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Ψ i)›
using stable_conj_parts by blast
from ‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (StableConj I Ψ)› have ‹stable_state p› by auto
then obtain q' where ‹q ↠ q'› ‹stable_state q'› ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q'›
using ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q› sr_branching_bisimulation_stabilizes by blast
hence ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models q' (Ψ i)›
using ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Ψ i)› StableConj by blast
hence ‹hml_srbb_inner_models q' (StableConj I Ψ)› using ‹stable_state q'› by simp
thus ‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' (StableConj I Ψ)›
using ‹q ↠ q'› by blast
case (BranchConj α φ I Ψ)
show ?case
proof safe
fix p q
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (BranchConj α φ I Ψ)›
hence ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Ψ i)›
‹hml_srbb_inner_models p (Obs α φ)›
using branching_conj_parts branching_conj_obs by blast+
then obtain p' where ‹p ↦a α p'› ‹p' ⊨SRBB φ› by auto
then obtain q' q'' where q'_q''_spec:
‹q ↠ q'› ‹q' ↦a α q''›
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q'› ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p' q''›
using sr_branching_bisimulation_sim[OF ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›]
silent_reachable.refl[of p]
by blast
hence ‹q'' ⊨SRBB φ› using BranchConj.hyps ‹p' ⊨SRBB φ› by auto
hence ‹hml_srbb_inner_models q' (Obs α φ)› using q'_q''_spec by auto
moreover have ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models q' (Ψ i)›
using BranchConj.hyps ‹∀i∈I. hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Ψ i)› q'_q''_spec by blast
ultimately show ‹∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' (BranchConj α φ I Ψ)›
using ‹q ↠ q'› by auto
case (Pos χ)
show ?case
proof safe
fix p q
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Pos χ)›
then obtain p' where ‹p ↠ p'› ‹hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ› by auto
then obtain q' where ‹q ↠ q'› ‹hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ›
using Pos ‹p ~SRBB q› sr_branching_bisimulation_silently_retained
by (meson silent_reachable_trans)
thus ‹hml_srbb_conjunct_models q (Pos χ)› by auto
case (Neg χ)
show ?case
proof safe
fix p q
‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›
‹hml_srbb_conjunct_models p (Neg χ)›
hence ‹∀p'. p ↠ p' ⟶ ¬hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ› by simp
moreover have
‹(∃q'. q ↠ q' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ) ⟶ (∃p'. p ↠ p' ∧ hml_srbb_inner_models p' χ)›
using Neg sr_branching_bisimulated_sym[OF ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q›]
by (meson silent_reachable_trans)
ultimately have ‹∀q'. q ↠ q' ⟶ ¬hml_srbb_inner_models q' χ› by blast
thus ‹hml_srbb_conjunct_models q (Neg χ)› by simp
thus ?thesis using assms by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisim_is_hmlsrbb: ‹sr_branching_bisimulated p q = preordered UNIV p q›
using modal_stability_respecting modal_sym modal_branching_sim logic_sr_branching_bisim_invariant
𝒪_sup preordered_def
unfolding sr_branching_bisimulated_def by metis
lemma sr_branching_bisimulated_transitive:
‹p ~SRBB q›
‹q ~SRBB r›
‹p ~SRBB r›
using assms unfolding sr_branching_bisim_is_hmlsrbb by simp
lemma sr_branching_bisimulated_equivalence: ‹equivp (~SRBB)›
proof (rule equivpI)
show ‹symp (~SRBB)› using sr_branching_bisimulated_symp .
show ‹reflp (~SRBB)› using sr_branching_bisimulated_reflp .
show ‹transp (~SRBB)›
unfolding transp_def using sr_branching_bisimulated_transitive by blast
lemma sr_branching_bisimulation_stuttering_all:
‹pp ≠ []›
‹∀i < length pp - 1. pp!i ↦ τ pp!(Suc i)›
‹hd pp ~SRBB last pp›
‹i ≤ j› ‹j < length pp›
‹pp!i ~SRBB pp!j›
using assms equivp_def sr_branching_bisimulated_equivalence equivp_def order_le_less_trans
by metis
theorem ‹(p ~SRBB q) = (p ≼ (E ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞) q)›
using sr_branching_bisim_is_hmlsrbb 𝒪_sup
unfolding expr_preord_def by auto